Cash Management

Take a deep dive into your daily income, expenses, and debt with a CFP®. We will collaborate to develop a spending plan to use with your whole family, establish an appropriate emergency fund, and create a strategic plan to pay down your debt most efficiently.  


What you’ll get

  • One 60-minute meeting with a CFP®

  • Access to our online platform to input your current income, expenses, savings and debt prior to your meeting

  • A follow up email with personal recommendations and next steps

  • A one-page personalized budget, emailed to you after your session

  • A one-page personalized debt payoff plan, emailed to you after your session

In-person and remote options

In today’s world, a physical space or presence no longer defines an organization’s reach. We’ve made the investment in the technology needed to work with clients efficiently and effectively from anywhere. We’re always glad to see you in our beautiful office, but when that’s not possible, we can still be connected.


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